Response to 2022/23 Pay Award


Dear Members,

Having seen the 2022/23 award finally land in your bank accounts on Friday, you will now have had time to consider what exactly £1900 means for you – especially against the backdrop of significant inflation which of course rose steadily since reports were initially presented to the NCARRB back in February 2022.

This time last year, the NCOA stood alone in our assessment that inflation would increase steadily throughout the year. This, along with pay comparator legacy issues, saw us present our reasoned case for a 10% uplift – the Agency only sought 3%.

When the NCARRB presented its embargoed report back in June last year, the Agency were aware that the NCARRB recommendations were in excess of their own initial request for a 3% uplift. Whilst it was clear an increased reward was affordable, Treasury restrictions affecting those without operational powers saw the Agency embark on a course of action aimed at reducing the value recommended by the NCARRB merely to prevent conflict with Treasury when delivering the subsequent Agency wide award.

Despite continued frustrations, the NCOA enter into the annual pay process in good faith, and we were, quite frankly astounded that the Agency would consider negotiating down any recommendations made by the pay review body. Presuming the NCA’s largest trade union would accept this on behalf of our members - was a complete misstep. On the 14th June we therefore made our position with the Agency unambiguous, we would not accept any reduction in the value of the award recommended by the NCARRB and urged the Agency not to deviate or risk further damage to a process which many already had little faith in. In a formal letter they were again urged to secure the NCARRB recommendations for all staff.

Now the award has actually been made, you can all see what we were fighting for, sadly though, it is still a below cost of living pay award which does not reflect either our own pay submission or the value we place on you as hard-working members of the National Crime Agency. We have and always will see you as the pinnacle of UK law enforcement - yet with an uninspiring wage structure, which continues to lag way below Policing peers.

Given the ridiculous timescale between ratification and implementation, (and with any opportunity to meaningfully consult with our membership cynically eliminated) we did not want to delay your pay award any further. Although we have the authority to do so, we refused to accept the 2022/23 pay award and instead informed the Agency that they should impose it without having secured our agreement. In doing so, we can still represent your concerns and thoughts on a below average pay award which was never accepted by the NCOA.

As a representative body, we act as your voice and although we have our opinion on the matter, it is important that we capture your thoughts on;

  • The annual pay process
  • The value of the 2022/23 award
  • Restrictions which prevent the entire membership taking industrial action
  • The Agency’s role in the 2022/23 process
  • The value attached to industrial action restrictions (Should there be a defined pay element which reflects the fact that officers cannot take part in industrial action?)
  • Transparency by the Agency throughout the 2022/23 process
  • Transparency by the NCOA throughout the 2022/23 process

Whilst it is our intention to run a 2022/23 Pay Award Member Survey in the next few weeks to capture this information in greater detail, please feel free to continue to contact or your local NCOA rep (please check Agency intranet) to ensure we can ensure that the Agency properly understands the feelings of its staff at this time. If you are contacting membership, please ensure that you check that the data we hold on you is current and that your contact options are still accurate.  

Simon Boon

NCOA General Secretary