Borders Assimilation Update


The unequivocal rejection by NCOA members, and the subsequent withdrawal from the management NCARRB submission, of a flawed AHW model proposal, has reignited the Borders Investigation assimilation terms.

Earlier this week, NCOA officials met with NCA management to discuss contractual transfer terms, in the absence of an ‘acceptable’ AHW model. NCOA have reiterated that after nearly three years, the organisation has consistently resisted recognising that former HMRC Borders staff must be transferred to a position that reflects their skills, time in post and pensionable base salary comparable with that of their colleagues.

NCA has set a date of assimilation at 1st August 2016 and your executive will work tirelessly with the employer to reach a solution. However, it is vital to us that we discuss an assimilation package that will incentivise BI members to assimilate onto NCA terms and achieve parity in respect of contractual pay and entitlements.

You will continue to receive regular updates as they occur.