Guidance on use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


Operational results which the NCA has reported widely, clearly show that NCOA members are working effectively even with continued the risk of COVID-19 transmission amongst the workforce.

The data provided to NCOA shows that the agency continues to hold sufficient stores of PPE for operational use and face coverings for use on public transport. It was pleasing that having been challenge by the NCOA, the agency reversed its original decision and now provides those face coverings for officers who are using public transport to get to their workplace.

It is clear though from recent reporting by the Police Federation that in the wider law enforcement community some officers are becoming complacent in their use of PPE. The NCOA are keen that this situation does not creep into the NCA and therefore remind its members of the guidance on the use of PPE.

A small number of law enforcement officers continue to test positive for COVID-19. It is therefore important that appropriate use of PPE as well as maintaining social distancing, working from home where able and good hand hygiene continue as all are important measures which reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

The NPCC guidance on the use of PPE can be found at

Keep safe,

Steve Bond

NCOA National Officer