Membership Subscription Changes


Dear Members,

Unfortunately, after careful consideration the National Executive Committee of the NCOA have decided there will need to be modest subscription increases from the 1st July 2024.

The subscription changes are:

  • Grade 6 and Part time members subscriptions will increase to £12.15.
  • Grades 5 to Grade 2 members subscriptions will increase to £16.95.
  • Grade 1 and SCS members subscriptions will increase to £21.75.

This is the first change in the NCOA subscriptions of Grade 6 and Part Time officers  since 2017 during which time standard membership has risen by only 50p. In the last 2 years, we have seen the cost of some member services increase by over 30%, together with previously unseen insurance premium increases. Until now, we have absorbed these from existing financial reserves.

We have worked hard to ensure that NCOA membership remains tremendous value for money especially when compared to the alternative provision available to NCOA officers, given  our unrivalled legal cover, which was developed to support you in your unique law enforcement role.

In recognition that the level of death benefit payments has not increased since 2013, we are pleased to be able to increase this cover from £2000 to £5000. I encourage all members to ensure that we hold accurate records of your beneficiary’s.

Any changes to your NCOA records can be made by contacting membership at

You need not do anything regarding the subscription changes, as your bank will automatically make the Direct Debit revisions for you.

Kind regards,

Steve BOND
NCOA National Officer.